Adote Saúde association is a non-profit institution that operates in the areas of healthcare and education in Carapicuíba and Cotia. It promotes actions of prevention in health, visual acuity and educational programs in public schools and social entities.

In our day-to-day lives, it is not possible to remain isolated of the problems of communities in need, and we are impacted by the challenges they face to access healthcare and educational services. For this reason, we have developed an association that seeks to improve the quality of live of low income families in these cities, with a focus on Healthcare and Education. We should take the initiative.

1. Help in a continuous manner the communities of Carapicuíba and Cotia in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases, as well as the promotion of health and well-being.
2. Transform the financial resources received in goods destined to the promotion and education in health.
3. Follow, in a systematic manner, the actions developed in the adopted institutions.
4. Not remunerate or benefit its directors, organizers or contributors.
5. Always use total transparency in the activities and destination of resources received.
6. Not have any political or religious ties.

ADOTE SAÚDE's team carries out visits in public schools and social institutions with the aim of evaluating and identifying their needs. The work in public schools is done through educational programs and oral and visual heath campaigns; and in social institutions, it is done through massive actions (of medical and dental care) and delivering material goods. All actions are carried out by ADOTE SAÚDE's team together with hired companies and healthcare professionals. Financial resources come mainly from associates (individuals and legal entities) and donors. In addition, there is an annual event (Feijoada) with the purpose of raising more financial resources and capturing new donors and contributors. The pay slips for the contributors are issued by a company that manages Condominiums, which also supplies monthly and annual financial reports. Accountability to associates is carried out in a monthly basis, inserted in pay slips, and biannually, through a report distributed to associates, with all activities and accomplishments that occurred in the period.